Friday, March 12, 2010

Am I a Vegan?

NO WAY! But, I just might eat like one. It's weird, I thought when I got back on Dairy that I would go crazy eating cheese, and more cheese, and more cheese along with yogurt and ice cream.

It's only been a week and a half, but still....things are weird.

When I go to the grocery store, I still stick with all my dairy free stuff. I have eaten vanilla yogurt and cheddar cheese and didn't care for either. Weird.

I also have not had ice cream. I don't want it. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm sure I still like that, but I don't crave it, and I don't want it after every meal.

I have enjoyed eating nutella again. YUMMY! And, having the flexibility to eat whatever I want at a restaurant, but it has made me realize something.

Dairy is addictive.

If you read some info. on Dairy and I would suggest this book:

You find that dairy is not the most wonderful thing in the world that we think it is. At least, not in the form we typically eat it here in the US.

This book is great because it not only is a cookbook with great recipes in it, but it also is basically a resource book on everything dairy, and everything about how to live dairy free. I love it.

Going dairy/soy free has also changed the way my family a good way. We cook more, and we eat less fat. And, I'm not craving pizza. Seriously.

In fact, I recently ordered this book (still haven't received it yet) off of Amazon that I'm really excited about....a VEGAN cookbook. Crazy. A year ago, I never would have entertained the thought.

I don't plan on becoming Vegan or Vegetarian, but my eyes have been opened and I'm going to stick with some of the changes I've made. No more cheese addiction for me. If you're just starting out with eliminating me, it does get easier. I did it for a year. I know.

Visit me at my other blog where you will find vegetarian cuisine and some dairy free recipes: The Cheating Vegetarian


  1. Hey Meredith, So interesting for me to read this. I have been dairy free since August and then had to eliminate soy in November. I too have been wondering if it would really be a big deal for me when I stop breastfeeding because I feel like I am getting so used to it. (except when eating at other people's houses.) - Megan

  2. Hi Megan-Yeah, eating out and eating at other's houses is so hard!! That was the worst for me too. I hated asking so many questions.
    As far as your other question, we are still on Nutramigen. Has been working for us since about 10 months. Now, he is completely on Nutramigen, but we may have to move him to a toddler formula soon until we do the milk trial. So, we might be changing to Elecare.
